Our Stories

Spinal Cord Injury

From Car Accident to an “Even Better Life”

When the car she was a passenger in slammed into a tree, Monique Jones didn’t know how much her life was about to change.

The traumatic accident resulted in a spinal cord injury. To recover, Monique turned to Good Shepherd Rehabilitation Network for help.

When Monique first arrived at Good Shepherd, she couldn’t walk. Today, she drives, attends school and works toward her goal of walking unassisted.

“Love yourself no matter what, focus on you and being the best version of yourself — that’s something Good Shepherd taught me,” Monique says.

Watch the video for more of Monique’s story of rehabilitation.

Posted October 23, 2023

This story was originally published by Good Shepherd Rehabilitation. Edits and additions have been made for clarity and style. All photos are credited to Good Shepherd Rehabilitation.

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